There are several ways to add annotations to objects in OMERO. You can add annotations using the OMERO webclient interface to any object(s) that you can select in the left-hand-side tree or central pane, this means Project, Dataset, Image, Screen, Plate and Well.
When an image is uploaded to OMERO, the original filename, including its extensions and the path from which it was uploaded, is preserved. It is common for useful metadata to be encoded into the filenames and paths of data. In order to make use of this metadata for searching and organising the data, the Auto-tagger web plugin enables it to be added as tags annotation.
tab from the right-hand pane.Tags
harmonica in the right-hand pane+
button.right arrow
OR on the Add
button if you have created a new tag.Save
button.Tags can also be organized in tag sets, i.e tag containers that gather different tags. If you select a tag set when adding tags to an omero object (image, project, dataset..), the corresponding object will be tagged with all tags contained in the tag set.
The autotagger is not available for screens/plates. To batch tag images within a plate, you can either
1 -- Select all wells --> Select all images --> add manually a tag to all selected images at once
2 -- Use a script to annotate all your images (example of scripts are given on our github )
Auto Tag
from the view menu in the centre pane toolbar.Columns, headed with a token name, are displayed in the centre pane, with a row representing each image in the dataset.
The initial display shows only existing tags, either already attached to images or not attached but matching a token.
If an image already has a tag applied to it, or if the token for a column is present in this image, checkboxes in the rows are auto-selected.
A green background in a cell indicates the image has that tag applied to it.
Select the Show All Potential Tags
checkbox to generate columns for tokens from the filename path and extensions.
The drop-down buttons in the headers of the columns are colour-coded as:
IMPORTANT: Tokens that are only numbers are ignored, as these are usually very numerous and it is impossible to intelligently map them at this time. The filename is tokenised using a space, period or underscore as the splitter. Dashs are not recognized as splitters.
We suggest you to always use underscores for image, dataset and project names to avoid possible confusion during later filtering and searching.
Folders name are also important if they contain meaningful information. We also suggest to tokenise them using underscores and avoid special characters.
New/Existing Tag
button to save the changes and attach the tags to the imagesRefresh
button to reset the table to its original state without applying changes.If you add some images in a current dataset, you can still use auto-tagger to add the same tags as other images or other tags. It will not duplicate tags for existing images.
If you want to remove a tag from an image, click on the minus
, on the left part of the tag. It will unlink this tag from the current selected image(s) but it will not delete it (i.e. other image with the same tag will still have this tag).
To delete a tag
Important : if you delete a tag, all images/datasets tagged with it will NOT BE TAGGED anymore
The Key-Value pairs can be used for adding lab-book-like metadata (e.g experimental conditions) to your images. Key-Value pairs are also searchable and can be filtered.
A namespace is like a labeled box, inside which you can add some KVPs. The goal of having different namespaces is to sort and group KVPs (i.e. metadata) which refer to the same "category", for better readability.
In the image below, the KVPs have been divided into 2 different namespaces : Acquisition
and sample
When adding manually the KVPs, there is no possibility to assign a custom namespace. All KVPs will land in the default namespace. In order to convert the namespace later, please have a look to the next section Converting namespace.
tab from the right-hand pane.Key-Value Pairs
harmonica in the right-hand pane+
button.Important : The names you put for keys and values should ONLY be tokenised using underscores or dashes and tokens should NOT CONTAIN any special characters.
A full documentation, including of some scripts that are not deployed, can be found on this GitHub page
This is a mandatory step to get the image name and ID.
annotation scripts
Export to csv...
Hint : if you pass the mouse over each field, a small explanation pops-up
Data type
: Parent container to processIDs
: OMERO Id of the parent(s). For multiple parents, write each Id separated by ONLY a commaTarget data type
: Data to process WITHIN the parent containerNamespace
: leave blankCSV separator
: Choose the one which DOESN'T OVERLAP with the image names (ex: if the image names contain a comma ,
like for .vsi files, then select a semi-colon ;
or tab
separator)Include parent conatiner names
: OPTIONNAL : check the box if you want to print the parent container in the CSV file.Include namespace
: OPTIONAL : check the box if you want to print the KVPs namspace. If you don't have any custom namespace, it is not necessary to check it.Include tags
: OPTIONNAL check the box to print the tags attached to each images. We recommend that you check this box in order to have a template column in you wish to add new tags to your imagesattachements
)It is not necessary to keep this file as it represents a dupliaction of information and takes some useless space in the database.
Hint: if Excel doesn't parse automatically the separator you selected before, close Excel and open the csv file with a text editor (ex:
,text edit
). Add a new line at the very beginning of the file withsep=
followed by the separator.
-- for coma : "sep=,
-- for semi-colon : "sep=;
-- for tab : "sep=
should never be modifiedkey
in the header line,
value` in the rest of the column)TAG
.annotation scripts
Import from csv...
Hint : if you pass the mouse over each field, a small explanation pops-up
Data type
: Parent container to process --> same as the one selected for the exportIDs
: OMERO Id of the parent(s) --> same as the one(s) selected for the exportTarget data type
: Data to process WITHIN the parent container --> same as the one selected for the exportFile Annotation
: Browse and choose the csv file you've just editedNamespace
: leave blankImport tags
: Check the box if you have tags to addOnly use personal tags
: Never check the boxAllow tag creation
: Check the box. It will create a new tag in OMERO if the tag doesn't exist yetLeave all the other boxes/fields as they are, with default options.
Converting namespaces has two main advantages
To be able modify, in the webclient, the KVPs, you'll need to convert from
to the default namespace.
In the webclient, you can run a script that does the conversion for you.
annotation scripts
Convert KeyVal namespace...
Hint : if you pass the mouse over each field, a small explanation pops-up
Data type
: Parent container to process --> same as the one selected for the exportIDs
: OMERO Id of the parent(s) --> same as the one(s) selected for the exportTarget data type
: Data to process WITHIN the parent containerOld namespace
: the name of the source namespace(s) (the one you want to convert)New Namespace
: the name of the targeted namespace(s). Leave it blank for the default namespace.Create new and merge
: Check the box to merge all KVPs within the New Namespace
under the same enetityTo remove key-value
In the webclient, you can run a script that helps you deleting KVPs in batch.
Be careful : the script will delete ALL KVPs that are part of the SPECIFIED NAMESPACE. Please, check your KVPs before running this script. Deleted KVPs cannot be retrieve back.
annotation scripts
Remove KeyVal...
Hint : if you pass the mouse over each field, a small explanation pops-up
Data type
: Parent container to process --> same as the one selected for the exportIDs
: OMERO Id of the parent(s) --> same as the one(s) selected for the exportTarget data type
: Data to process WITHIN the parent containerNamespace
: the name of the namespace(s) you want to clean the KVPs fromI understand...
: Check the boxGeneral
tab from the right-hand pane.Attachments
harmonica in the right-hand pane+
button.NOTE : It is not possible to rename an attachment on OMERO. Check the attachment name BEFORE importing it on OMERO.
minus sign
just unlinks the File Attachment from the selected object(s). The File Attachment is not deleted from the server (it becomes an orphan file).If deletion is needed, click on the cross icon
instead of the minus icon.
Be Careful : When you delete a file, all instances of this particular file, linked to images/datasets... will be also deleted.